Low-Carbon Prosperity in Progress: Transforming Transport in Asia
2024 NDC-TIA Conference
June 25-28, 2024
Bangkok, Thailand
The 2024 regional conference of the NDC Transport Initiative for Asia (NDC-TIA) discussed the necessary transformations to set transport on a sustainable path to zero emissions by mid-century, ensuring climate action and prosperity.
The conference showcased the outcomes of partners’ collaborative efforts to decarbonize the transport sector in Asia, focusing on China, India, Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines, to capture developments in the region and inspire action.
Participating Countries
Click dots to learn more about NDC-TIA program work
Conference Program
DAY 1: JUNE 25
Registration and Press Meetings
Inspirational Talk: “Transforming Transport in Asia” - Bangkok Metropolitan Administration
Group Photo and Welcome Dinner
DAY 2: JUNE 26
Regional Perspective from the Council for Decarbonizing Transport in Asia
Highlights from NDC-TIA political partners in China, India and Vietnam
Plenary Sessions on Lessons Learned and Inspiration:
DAY 3: JUNE 27
Interactive Thematic Sessions:
Scaling Impact: World Café and Panel Discussion with Political Partners
Boat Tour
DAY 4: JUNE 28
Site Visit: Energy Absolute’s EV and Battery Plants in Bangkok