EVENT RECAP: The Launch of 'Workplace EV Charging Guidebook for Corporates in Delhi'

The Dialogue and Development Commission of Delhi (DDC), in partnership with World Resources Institute (WRI) India, have published A guidebook for employers on planning, installing, and managing electric vehicle charging at the workplace in Delhi.

On November 29th, 2021, this guidebook was launched on an online event in the presence of Shri Jasmine Shah, Vice-Chairperson, DDC Delhi, Dr. OP Agrawal, CEO, WRI India, Amit Bhatt, Executive Director (Integrated Transport), WRI India along with other leading industry leaders. With its launch, the Delhi Government has become the first state government in the country to come up with a step-by-step guide to help employers adopt workplace charging of EVs. You can watch a recording of the launch event above.

Learn more about this guidebook at the Digital Library on Green Mobility, a one-stop-shop for access to knowledge on Low Carbon Transport in India.

Download publication (registration required)

WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities is World Resources Institute’s program dedicated to shaping a future where cities work better for everyone. It enables more connected, compact and coordinated cities. The Center expands the transport and urban development expertise of the EMBARQ network to catalyze innovative solutions in other sectors, including air quality, water, buildings, land use and energy. It combines the research excellence of WRI with two decades of on-the-ground impact through a network of more than 320 experts working from Brazil, China, Colombia, Ethiopia, India, Mexico, Turkey and the United States to make cities around the world better places to live. More information at www.wrirosscities.org.


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