
Comparative Analysis of EVs and ICEVs from Resource Efficiency Perspective
This research publication conducts a detailed comparative analysis to assess various environmental performance of EV’s and ICEV’s (petrol, diesel and CNG) in the 3-Wheeler and 4-Wheeler vehicle segment across its entire life cycle. The study has been analysed using India-specific conditions.

Market analysis of two- and three-wheeler vehicles in key ASEAN member states
This paper presents a profile of the two- and three-wheeler (2&3W) market in seven ASEAN member states and could be used to support future policy development in mitigating the negative environmental impacts of 2&3Ws.

Market analysis of the new two-wheeler fleet in India for fiscal year 2020–21
This study analyzes fleet characteristics and compares the vehicle characteristics of major manufacturers and classes of new two-wheelers sold in India for the fiscal year 2020-2021.

Cost comparison of battery swapping, point charging, and ICE two-wheelers in India
Battery swapping is an innovative electric vehicle refueling model that can be used by vehicles with a detachable battery. This paper evaluates if electric two-wheelers in India with the battery-swapping option have achieved cost parity relative to electric two-wheelers with the point charging option and with conventional gasoline two-wheelers. The results in this working paper show that for all three use cases considered, the electric two-wheelers with point-charging and battery-swapping options are considerably cheaper than the gasoline two-wheeler.