Peer Network for a Sustainable Transport Transition in Asia
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Transport emissions in Asia have been growing at a mind-boggling pace (243% between 1990 and 2018 (ADB, 2020)), largely due to rapid economic development and population growth. To counteract this trend, GIZ has been cooperating with partner countries on decarbonising transport for more than a decade. Building on this long-standing engagement, GIZ has initiated the “Peer Network for Transport and Climate – Asia" under the roof of the NDC Transport Initiative for Asia.
The network provides a platform for regional dialogue, mutual learning and networking for officials from ministries of transport and environment.
Network member countries include: Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos PDR, Malaysia, Nepal, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Viet Nam. In the first two sessions, representatives of Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Viet Nam shared their experiences with peers through case studies on climate policy frameworks, electric mobility and stakeholder mapping. The sessions were supported by guest speakers from Agora Verkehrswende (Dr. Günter Hörmandinger), International Energy Agency (Ekta Bibra) and the ICCT (Dr. Sandra Wappelhorst).
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