Driving Change: Empowering Women in the Urban Transport Workforce
Women, making up just 17% of the transport workforce, face barriers that hinder their involvement. Despite flexible job benefits, gender biases and financial obstacles persist. Learn how new policies and support programs overcome these challenges and drive gender equity in transport.

EVENT UPDATE: Low Carbon-Transport in Progress: Transforming Transport in Asia
Follow this page for daily updates from “Low-Carbon Prosperity in Progress: Transforming Transport in Asia", the regional conference of the NDC Transport Initiative for Asia (NDC TIA), in Bangkok, Thailand between 25 and 28 June, 2024.

Thai version of “The Path to Zero – A Vision for Decarbonised Transport in Asia” now available!
The Thai version of the Council Report “The Path to Zero – A Vision for Decarbonised Transport in Asia” is now available!

EVENT RECAP: She ACTs – Accelerating Carbon-neutral Transportation with a Gender Perspective
On August 1, 2023, the NDC Transport Initiative for Asia’s (NDC-TIA) China Component project invited experts and practitioners from the fields of low-carbon development and sociology for a joint discussion.

EVENT RECAP: MRV for Transport in Asia –Technical Training by UNFCCC secretariat and GIZ
From 9th to 11th May 2023 in Ha Long, Viet Nam, a 3-day training workshop brought together 26 participants of ministries of transport and ministries of environment from Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Republic of Maldives, the Philippines, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam to discuss emission accounting and scenario design.

BLOG: 5 Lessons from China, India, Vietnam on Decarbonizing Transport and Accelerating Climate Action
Building on the interviews with NDC-TIA partners and other organizations working in China, India, and Vietnam, this final blog highlights the key commonalities and lessons on accelerating zero-emission transport for similar countries in Asia.

Interview with Keisha Alena Mayuga on Advocating for Better Transportation in the Philippines
It is vital to boost the participation of women in the transport sector to continue inspiring others worldwide to join this field and work together to create sustainable change in society. In this interview, Keisha Alena Mayuga shared her experience and story, creating her own path on promoting better transportation in the Philippines.

Interview with Dr. Sheilah Gaabucayan-Napalang, A Remarkable Feminist Voice of 2023 and beyond
This month is a great occasion to highlight women’s impact in different sectors of society. GIZ Changing Transport sat down with Dr. Sheilah to discuss women in the transport sector, including the importance to promote women participation in transport research and development.

Women on the Move mentors taking part in the Feminist Voices Study Tour 2023
Women's voices and perspectives are crucial for sustainable transformation in each sector of society, especially in transport. Therefore, Women on the Move is proud that four outstanding women from Asia in the transport field are joining the "Feminist Voices in Transport 2023" study tour.

Myth Busters of Sustainable Transport
Based on the “Path to Zero” report, our new Myth Buster series addresses common misconceptions, to spotlight both the opportunities and challenges associated with achieving zero emissions in the sector.

New Mentorship Program from Women on the Move Network
Women on the Move Network is calling women working to advance the transport sector in Asia to submit applications to become a mentee or a mentor (4 years experience required) by November 11, 2022.

BLOG: Improve and Electrify @ TCCW 2022
In this blog, GIZ provide a close-up on Asia Hub activities at the Transport and Climate Change Week 2022.

Launch of ‘The Path to Zero’: A Report by the Council for Decarbonising Transport in Asia
After one year of collaboration between the 14 members of the Council for Decarbonising Transport in Asia, their flagship report ‘The Path to Zero: A Vision for Decarbonised Transport in Asia’ is now available.

Few Days Left to Apply for “Decarbonising Transport Award (DTA)” for Emerging Economies
The ITF launched the Decarbonising Transport Award: Supporting ideas that cut transport CO2 in emerging economies. The award recognizes projects with great potential to help decarbonize transport in these nations and is awarded in two categories: the Research Award and the Innovation Award.

EVENT RECAP: 2021 NDC-TIA “Decarbonising Transport” Workshop Series in China
To contribute international knowledge and best practice to the development of climate policies aiming to lower emissions in China’s transport sector, the National Determined Contributions Transport Initiative For Asia (NDC-TIA) project organized various workshops as part of the “National Determined Contributions Transport Initiative for Asia 2021 Event Series – Decarbonising Transport”. The event series took place from October to December 2021.

Woman on the Move Network is promoting gender equality in Asia
Women on the Move network is calling for women working in the transport sector in Asia to submit applications its new mentorship program before November 11, 2022.

Woman on the Move Network is promoting gender equality in Asia
Founded in summer 2021, the Women on the Move network is a initiative born out of NDC-TIA and the Network has already hosted two online panel discussions and created a LinkedIn Networking Group. This article gives an overview of the network and its ambition to transform transport in Asia.

Peer Network for a Sustainable Transport Transition in Asia
GIZ has been cooperating with partner countries on decarbonising transport for more than a decade. Building on this long-standing engagement, GIZ has initiated the “Peer Network for Transport and Climate – Asia" under the roof of the NDC Transport Initiative for Asia.

SURVEY: Renewables Global Futures Report 2022 by REN21
REN21 is in the process of creating the Renewables Global Futures Report 2022. An expression of interest form is being sent out to invite participation in the formation of the next GFR and insights-sharing about your country and activities.

EVENT RECAP: EST Forum Pre-Event with Highlights from the Viet Nam Hub
On October 12th, 2021, national policy makers from Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Member countries and selected international transport experts gathered to jointly discuss how to deliver on proposed goal 1a of the Aichi declaration. The event started with a vision for fully decarbonizing transport by the Council for Decarbonizing Transport in Asia and introduced futures thinking as a powerful new approach to policy development.