EVENT RECAP: Kick-off Workshop on “National Electric Vehicle Roadmap Development"
In Hanoi on the 31st of March 2023, Viet Nam’s efforts to accelerate “net-zero emission” were boosted today with a kick-off workshop on “National electric vehicle roadmap development” with officials from the Ministry of Transport, relevant units/agencies as well as leading experts from WRI, ICCT, and GIZ in attendance.

BLOG: China’s efforts to decarbonize road transport are decent, but not sufficient
In this blog, ICCT recommends that China establish GHG emission standards with a robust compliance program for cars and trucks.

REPORT: Market Analysis of India’s New Two-Wheeler Fleet for FY21
The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) published the working paper: Cost comparison of battery swapping, point charging, and ICE two-wheelers in India.

REPORT: Comparing the Costs of Battery-Swap Two-Wheelers with Electric and ICE Alternatives in India
The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) published the working paper: Cost comparison of battery swapping, point charging, and ICE two-wheelers in India.

REPORT: 2021 Update on LDV Fuel Consumption in China by ICCT
The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) published the working paper: Evaluation of real-world fuel consumption of light-duty vehicles in China: A 2021 update.

REPORT: China’s Decarbonization Pathway during the Current Five-Year Plan by ICCT
The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) published the report: Opportunities and pathways to decarbonize China’s transportation sector during the fourteenth Five-Year Plan period and beyond.

VIDEO: Reducing India's road transport CO2 emissions
A chart showing India’s freight demand in vehicle kilometers met by heavy-duty trucks under the High Ambition and Aggressive Policy scenarios

BLOG: Kevadia is a launch pad for a new era of urban vehicle access regulations in India
The first in a blog series by ICCT focused on the prospects for strategies like low- and zero-emission zones in India.

REPORT: Market analysis of heavy-duty vehicles in India for fiscal years 2019–20 and 2020–21
The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) published the working paper: Market analysis of heavy-duty vehicles in India for fiscal years 2019–20 and 2020–21.

BLOG: Summing up: What’s the potential for India to set a sectoral target for road transport CO2 emissions in its NDC?
The seventh and final blog in a series focused on ICCT’s meta-study of India’s road transport emissions analyses discusses potential NDC commitments.

BLOG: COVID-19’s impact on India’s road transport business-as-usual emissions trajectory
The sixth in a blog series focused on ICCT’s meta-study of India’s road transport emissions analyses.

BLOG: Decarbonizing India’s road transport sector: Shouldn’t we aim higher?
The fifth blog in ICCT’s series is a call to our fellow researchers to aim for higher ambitions in transport models, because our future course of action will be determined by these.

BLOG: Vehicle electrification in India: On ambition and timing
The fourth blog in ICCT’s series asks how much electrification is needed across vehicle classes and is there any reason for delay?

REPORT: The Evolution of Commercial Vehicles in China
The International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) launched The Evolution of Commercial Vehicles in China: A Retrospective Evaluation of Fuel Consumption Standards and Recommendations for the Future.
BLOG: Time for intervention: What do the mitigation scenarios look like for India’s road transport emissions?
The third blog in ICCT’s series looks at potential policy interventions to help decarbonize the sector.
BLOG: What’s the “business as usual” future for road transport in India?
The second installment of ICCT’s blog series examines what would happen in the business-as-usual scenario.

BLOG: Toward an ambitious yet feasible strategy for transport decarbonization in India
Introducing ICCT’s blog series about their meta-study of India’s road transport emissions analyses.