
Towards Decarbonising Transport 2023 - A Stocktake on Sectoral Ambition in the G20
This publication analyses the current state of decarbonisation and climate ambition in the transport sectors of G20 countries.

Integration of Electric Vehicles Charging Infrastructure with Distribution Grid: Global Review, India’s Gap Analyses and Way Forward
This specific report is the third report in a series and it focuses on detailed documentation and analysis of EV charging infrastructure and its grid integration in Indian EV ecosystem.

International review on Recycling Ecosystem of Electric Vehicle Batteries
This study focuses on the recycling ecosystem of batteries, conducting international review of Germany and rest of EU, California (US), China, Japan and South Africa.

Smart Charging Strategies and Technologies for Electric Vehicles
This GIZ India-led report focuses on Electric Vehicles (EV) smart charging strategies and approaches, related policy and regulatory measures, technical aspects, grid integration of EVs, and the way forward for smooth EV adaption in the Indian EV ecosystem.

Transport in New Nationally Determined Contributions and Long-Term Strategies
Published in October 2021, the new report from SLOCAT and TraCS analyzed the role of transport in new and updated NDCs and LTS.

A smooth ride to renewable energy: 7 actions for public transport to address emissions and air pollution by advancing renewables
This policy brief produced in a collaboration between UITP and REN21 proposes actions and solutions that can accelerate the path to achieve net zero and carbon neutral goals through the connection between renewable energy and public transport. This brief is for public transport authorities, public transport operators, urban planners and anyone interested in advancing renewables in public transport.

Fundamentals of Electric Vehicle Charging Technology and its Grid Integration - Report 1
The study focuses on EV charging infrastructure, related policy and regulatory measures, grid integration of EVs, and the way forward for smooth EV adaption in the Indian EV ecosystem. This specific report is the first in the series of four reports documenting the fundamentals of EV charging technology, standards, communication protocols, and grid integration of EVs with the distribution system.

Renewables In Cities 2021 Global Status Report
While there are increasing efforts from countries to meet the climate objectives of the Paris Agreement, current research is telling us that we need further enhancement to get on a pathway towards net zero carbon by the middle of the century.

Concept For An Integrated Reporting Mechanism for Transport, Climate Change And SDGs
While there are increasing efforts from countries to meet the climate objectives of the Paris Agreement, current research is telling us that we need further enhancement to get on a pathway towards net zero carbon by the middle of the century.