Electric Two-wheeler Market Growth In Vietnam: An Overview

By Huong Le, Francisco Posada, Zifei Yang

This briefing first provides an overview of two-wheeler (2W) sales in Vietnam, which have shrunk from 3.6 million vehicles in 2018 to 2.8 million in 2021, the lowest level in 15 years. Although the 2W market declined, the market share of E2Ws increased significantly and reached 10% in 2021. The paper also reviews the major 2W manufacturers in Vietnam, their production capacities, and E2W development plans. We also review the development of charging infrastructure, the E2W industry and its supply chains, and the policy context for promoting E2Ws in the country. Two key messages are: (1) Vietnam’s existing production capacity of combustion engine 2Ws and E2Ws can support the country in becoming a substantial exporter of both ICE 2Ws and E2Ws; and (2) Vietnam could become a leader in manufacturing E2Ws and E2W parts in the ASEAN region with proper support from the government.

Read more at theicct.org.

WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities

WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities is World Resources Institute’s program dedicated to shaping a future where cities work better for everyone. Together with partners around the world, we help create resilient, inclusive, low-carbon places that are better for people and the planet. Our network of more than 500 experts working from Brazil, China, Colombia, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, the Netherlands, Mexico, Turkey and the United States combine research excellence with on-the-ground impact to make cities around the world better places to live.


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