
Real-World Use Case for Zero-Emission Trucks: Market Review and Policy Suggestions for Guangdong Province
This working paper examines the zero-emission truck (ZET) market in Guangdong by focusing on promotion policies and technical specifications of top-selling models, and then estimates the total cost of ownership of a real-world use case for zero-emission dump trucks in Guangzhou and Foshan.

Electric Two-wheeler Market Growth In Vietnam: An Overview
This publication surveys the market for electric two-wheelers in Vietnam and examines the country’s potential to become a leader in the production of electric two-wheelers.

Measures for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from motor air conditioning in China
This paper discusses how to improve MAC energy efficiency in China and offers policy recommendations for future regulation of GHG emissions from MAC in China.

Market analysis of the new two-wheeler fleet in India for fiscal year 2020–21
This study analyzes fleet characteristics and compares the vehicle characteristics of major manufacturers and classes of new two-wheelers sold in India for the fiscal year 2020-2021.

Market analysis of heavy-duty vehicles in India for fiscal years 2019–20 and 2020–21
Market analyses by vehicle segment, weight category, manufacturer, and engine size are needed to optimize vehicle emission standards and testing requirements. In India, these are largely adopted from Euro standards to fit the Indian landscape, and that was the case with the Bharat Stage (BS) VI regulations that took effect April 1, 2020. The heavy-duty vehicle market saw some big technology changes to meet the new standards, and this paper analyzes the first fiscal year (FY) 2020–21 of BS VI vehicle sales and the last year of sales under the previous BS IV standard, FY 2019–20.

National Comprehensive Three-dimensional Transportation Network Planning Outline
The outline is a strategic top-level policy guiding the development of a comprehensive and fully integrated transport system in China with a planning period from 2021 to 2035, and a vision to the middle of this century.
![Study of electric mobility development in Viet Nam [Nghiên cứu phát triển phương tiện giao thông điện tại Việt Nam]](
Study of electric mobility development in Viet Nam [Nghiên cứu phát triển phương tiện giao thông điện tại Việt Nam]
Under the scope of the NDC-TIA project, this assessment aims to identify current context, challenges, and opportunities with regards to electric mobility development in order to develop and improve the regulatory framework at both national and local levels.

Fuel consumption from new passenger cars in India: Manufacturers’ performance in fiscal year 2019–20
New fuel consumption limits for passenger vehicles are scheduled to take effect in India in FY 2022–23, and this paper examines the performance of manufacturer groups with respect to new passenger vehicles sold in FY 2019–20.

Status Quo Analysis of Various Segments of Electric Mobility And Low Carbon Passenger Road Transport in India
This analysis provided us the existing status, opportunities, challenges, gaps, and way forward for low carbon road transport in India.

Digital Library on Green Mobility - DLGM
The Digital Library on Green Mobility aims to provide a platform for sharing ideas, knowledge, and draft documents among the different stakeholders of various organizations and institutions from India and abroad involved in Low Carbon Transport in India.