
Recommendations to Enable Renewable Energy Based EV Charging in India
This report sets the context of renewables (RE)—based EV charging, its need in India, concerned stakeholders, modes of RE procurement, and locations for RE-based EV charging in different businesses.

A smooth ride to renewable energy: 7 actions for public transport to address emissions and air pollution by advancing renewables
This policy brief produced in a collaboration between UITP and REN21 proposes actions and solutions that can accelerate the path to achieve net zero and carbon neutral goals through the connection between renewable energy and public transport. This brief is for public transport authorities, public transport operators, urban planners and anyone interested in advancing renewables in public transport.

Renewables In Cities 2021 Global Status Report
While there are increasing efforts from countries to meet the climate objectives of the Paris Agreement, current research is telling us that we need further enhancement to get on a pathway towards net zero carbon by the middle of the century.