EVENT RECAP: Kick-off Workshop on “National Electric Vehicle Roadmap Development"
In Hanoi on the 31st of March 2023, Viet Nam’s efforts to accelerate “net-zero emission” were boosted today with a kick-off workshop on “National electric vehicle roadmap development” with officials from the Ministry of Transport, relevant units/agencies as well as leading experts from WRI, ICCT, and GIZ in attendance.

EVENT RECAP: Panel Discussion on Enabling Regulatory Mechanisms for Seamless Integration of Renewable Energy in Transport
A workshop brought together experts and policymakers from California and Indian states discussed and highlighted the pathways to zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) transitions at the January 2023 ITF Meeting in India. Key takeaways for Indian states include to set ambitious targets for zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) and take coordinated actions between stakeholders.
EVENT RECAP: Creating Champion EV States in India: California-India EV Policy Collaboration
A workshop brought together experts and policymakers from California and Indian states discussed and highlighted the pathways to zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) transitions at the January 2023 ITF Meeting in India. Key takeaways for Indian states include to set ambitious targets for zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) and take coordinated actions between stakeholders.

EVENT RECAP: Vietnamese Delegation’s Study Visit to the Netherlands and Germany on Electric Mobility and Emission Transparency
From September 14 to 23, 2022, a delegation of representatives from the Ministry of Transport, Department of Transport of Ho Chi Minh City, and associated agencies undertook a delegation visit on decarbonisation of transport and emission transparency to the Netherlands and Germany.