
Summary report: Developing an E-mobility Action Plan in Ho Chi Minh City
This publication summarizes the development of an E-mobility Action Plan tailored to the needs of Ho Chi Minh City, aiming to accelerate the rate of electrification in transport.

Survey on the needs of the public and public transport businesses to shift to electric vehicles
A comprehensive survey has been executed among vehicle owners and public transport enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City. The survey is an insight brief to highlight consumer behaviour, unveiling the perspectives of vehicle owners and public transport enterprises concerning obstacles hindering the advancement of EVs in Ho Chi Minh City while also exploring potential driving forces within the market.

Changing the Demand Preference for Electric Vehicles in Ho Chi Minh City: Costs and Benefits From Incentives in the Early Stages of Adoption
This paper evaluates potential costs of implementing financial incentives for electric vehicles (EVs) and the benefits related to individual savings and GHG emissions reductions in Ho Chi Minh City.