
Side event to ESCAP’s 79th Commission Session
GIZ and ESCAP are organizing a side event to ESCAP’s 79th Commission Session to discuss national transport decarbonization strategies and identify areas of regional collaboration in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand.

MRV for Transport in Asia — Workshop by UNFCCC secretariat and GIZ
Officials from Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, the Maldives, the Philippines, the Marshall Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam are meeting in Ha Long, Vietnam to attend the three-day NDC-TIA workshop on developing a robust Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) systems for the transport sector.

Transport and Climate Change Week 2022
This year at the TCCW, from May 9-13, the Asian region will have its own dedicated hub, with four days full of workshops, presentations and high-level panel discussions revolving around latest developments and the decarbonisation of transport in Asia.

Technical Meeting: Action Plan For City E-mobility Development In Ho Chi Minh City
The DOT of HCMC in collaboration with GIZ holds a technical meeting, namely “Action plan for city e-mobility development in Ho Chi Minh City” on the January 18th, 2022. WRI participated in the technical meeting.

High-Level 14th Regional EST Forum
On October 18th, 2021, during the High-Level 14th Regional EST Forum in Asia, Mr Le Anh Tuan, Vice Minister of Viet Nam Ministry of Transport (MOT), shared Viet Nam’s vision towards a carbon-neutral transport system. The Forum took place between October 18th and 20th.
Times are in EST time zone. The forum took place between October 18th and 20th in JST time zone, in Aichi, Japan.

EST Forum – PRE EVENT | Decarbonising Asia’s Transport Sector – How to deliver on Goal 1a of the Aichi 2030 Declaration
This pre-event invites national policy makers from Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Member countries and selected international transport experts to jointly discuss how to deliver on goal 1a of the Aichi declaration before the High-Level 14th Regional EST Forum.
Times are in EST time zone. The event took place 12:45-15:00 ICT time zone, Bangkok Time.

Project Update Meeting with Vietnam’s MOT: Speeding Up Work Progress
On 21 September 2021, the NDC-TIA Viet Nam component organized a Project update meeting with the project owner: Department of Environment (DOE), Ministry of Transport. DOE acknowledged that this was the very first meeting with adequate representatives from DOE, GIZ, WRI, and ICCT to review the essential project progress, access the difficulties during implementation, and discuss the coordination mechanism among stakeholders.

Inception Meeting: Discussion on MRV approach for NDC transport emission mitigation measures in Viet Nam
In this online inception meeting with the Department of Environment (DOE) of the Ministry of Transport, experts shared good practice on transport MRV from Japan and stakeholders discussed the strategic work plan on establishing transport MRV methodologies and data collection standards in Viet Nam.