
Low-Carbon Prosperity in Progress: Transforming Transport in Asia
In June 2024, "Low-Carbon Prosperity in Progress: Transforming Transport in Asia", the regional conference of the NDC Transport Initiative for Asia (NDC TIA), will take place in Bangkok, Thailand.
It will address the urgent need for sustainable transport solutions in the region, aiming to achieve zero emissions by mid-century, with a focus on collaborative efforts and successes in decarbonising the transport sector across Asia, including China, India, Vietnam, and Thailand.

Promoting Gender Equality in Transportation: Join Our Sessions at the Asia and the Pacific Transport Forum 2024
We are excited to announce that we will co-organise gender sessions at the Asia and the Pacific Transport Forum 2024, hosted by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Manila.

Visioning to Implementation - Transport Decarbonization and NDCs in Asia and Beyond
NDC-TIA will launch a signature report “Visioning to Implementation: National Transport Decarbonization Policies that Match Climate Targets in China, India and Vietnam” at the NDC Partnership Pavilion on December 5th during COP28.

Asia Pacific Climate Week 2023
NDC-TIA will be presented at four different events at the Asia Pacific Climate Week (APCW) 2023 with partners including Asia LEDS Partnership, GIZ, ICLEI Asia, NREL , UNEP, UN ESCAP, UNFCCC-IGES, and WRI India.

Transport and Climate Change Week
The GIZ flagship event on transport and climate will take place from 11-15 September 2023. GIZ and German international cooperation partners from around the world will come together to share experiences and learn from their peers.

ITF Summit 2023
The 2023 ITF Summit on Transport Enabling Sustainable Economies will take place in Leipzig, Germany, from May 24th to 26th, and it will focus on the role of transport in driving economic growth while promoting environmental and social sustainability.

Side event to ESCAP’s 79th Commission Session
GIZ and ESCAP are organizing a side event to ESCAP’s 79th Commission Session to discuss national transport decarbonization strategies and identify areas of regional collaboration in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand.

MRV for Transport in Asia — Workshop by UNFCCC secretariat and GIZ
Officials from Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, the Maldives, the Philippines, the Marshall Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam are meeting in Ha Long, Vietnam to attend the three-day NDC-TIA workshop on developing a robust Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) systems for the transport sector.

NDC-TIA China Annual Workshop – Low-Carbon Transport in Guangdong
How to decarbonize the transport sector—while promoting equitable access and economic development through investments in low-carbon transport infrastructure and zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) industries—is important for Guangdong to develop its emission-peaking action plan. World Resources Institute (WRI) organized a workshop on April 11th, 2023, to foster knowledge sharing between Guangdong and global peers and facilitate dialogues on issues that surfaced from provincial transport decarbonization practice

Renewables in Demand: Transport
The REN21 Secretariat will host the Renewables in Demand Week on April 3-6, a virtual event series dedicated to sharing relevant trends on each sector from the Global Status Report (GSR) 2023. Transport is the second sector covered in the series; other sectors the series include buildings, industry, agriculture.

Challenging the status quo – Mentorship check-in with Women on the Move
The Women on the Move (WotM) held its first virtual meeting for its year-long mentorship programme to bring together mentors and mentees to get to know each other, learn about their impact on the transport sector as women, and share ideas on how to continue positively influencing the sector.

“Feminist Voices in Transport 2023” Expert Study Tour
Women's voices and perspectives are crucial for sustainable transformation in each sector of society, especially in transport. Therefore, Women on the Move is proud to participate in the upcoming "Feminist Voices in Transport 2023" study tour.

Women on the Move – 4th Connect & Chat Session
Consisting of a short input from inspiring women and an open discussion with the audience, the Women on the Move Network launched the Connect & Chat Meeting, a regular meeting series for network members & friends. For April’s meeting, Dr. Derlie Mateo-Babiano will be the special guest speaker.

Transport and Climate Change Week 2022
This year at the TCCW, from May 9-13, the Asian region will have its own dedicated hub, with four days full of workshops, presentations and high-level panel discussions revolving around latest developments and the decarbonisation of transport in Asia.

Launch of Flagship Report - Council for Decarbonising Transport in Asia
On April 7, 2022 at 10 AM Manila Time, The Council for Decarbonising Transport in Asia will present their Flagship Report for the first time during the 'Knowledge Solutions for Tomorrow' session at the ADB Transport Forum 2022.

Women on the Move – Connect & Chat
Consisting of a short input from inspiring women and an open discussion with the audience, the Women on the Move Network launched the Connect & Chat Meeting, a regular meeting series for network members & friends. For April’s meeting, Keisha Mayuga will be the special guest speaker.
Transport Decarbonization Pathways @ ADB Transport Forum
On April 5, 2022 at 4 PM Manila Time, come learn about current developments in decarbonizing transport across modes, best practices and perspectives on integrated measures to promote low carbon development, and ultimately net-zero trajectories, and how to create an enabling environment for integrated approaches across sectors.

Women on the Move – Connect & Chat
Consisting of a short input from inspiring women and an open discussion with the audience, the Women on the Move Network launched the Connect & Chat Meeting, a regular meeting series for network members & friends.

Seminar: What Role does Transport Play in Countries’ Climate Plans?
On January 27 at 3 pm CET, GIZ together with the SLOCAT will present to you the results of our new analysis on climate ambition in transport. It provides detailed information on transport measures and targets in nationally determined contributions and long-term climate strategies submitted to the UNFCCC.

ADB Gender Forum Knowledge Lab: Women on the Move
In this Knowledge Lab with the newly launched The Women on the Move Network, we will discuss the importance of gender assessments and of having a network that connects women, helps them grow, and empowers their participation in discourses on transport in Asia.

How to Overcome the Crisis? – Impulses for Green recovery and the Transition of Transport
In this joint event of GIZ and the German Environment Agency (UBA), Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven, Member of the Management Board of GIZ and Prof. Dr. Dirk Messner, UBA President discuss the status and perspectives of a green recovery in the transport sector with a series of high-level international guests.

High-Level 14th Regional EST Forum
On October 18th, 2021, during the High-Level 14th Regional EST Forum in Asia, Mr Le Anh Tuan, Vice Minister of Viet Nam Ministry of Transport (MOT), shared Viet Nam’s vision towards a carbon-neutral transport system. The Forum took place between October 18th and 20th.
Times are in EST time zone. The forum took place between October 18th and 20th in JST time zone, in Aichi, Japan.

2nd UN Global Sustainable Transport Conference and Side Events
The programming of the Conference will reflect the diversity and complexity of the transport sector and will provide an opportunity for policy dialogue as well as forging partnerships and initiatives to advance sustainable transport. The side events will facilitate region-specific conversations on sustainable transport policies in Asia.
Default times shown are in UTC-5 time zone. For local time zones, please consult the main event website.

EST Forum – PRE EVENT | Decarbonising Asia’s Transport Sector – How to deliver on Goal 1a of the Aichi 2030 Declaration
This pre-event invites national policy makers from Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Member countries and selected international transport experts to jointly discuss how to deliver on goal 1a of the Aichi declaration before the High-Level 14th Regional EST Forum.
Times are in EST time zone. The event took place 12:45-15:00 ICT time zone, Bangkok Time.

Electric 2/3 wheelers in Asia
This session discussed the state of electric 2&3 wheelers in Southeast Asia and highlighted perspectives from the people on the ground.